About Me

When I’m not practicing law, you can find me writing, running, cycling, swimming or hanging with my three spoiled pugs and my horse.

I’m a multiple time Boston marathon qualifier, and have recently tackled sprint, Olympic and half-ironman triathlon competitions. My pug Lottie is a certified therapy dog and loves visiting patients in the ICU, Coco Chanel is learning to compete in agility competitions, and twelve-year-old Jonesy watches the other two and then turns over and goes back to sleep.
I write fantasy fiction, and you can find my books at bablackwood.com
Merlin is a recent acquisition, an eight-year-old brown and blue-eyed Gypsy Vanner horse who outweighs me by about 1300 pounds and whom I am trying to convince that I am the alpha in the relationship.

Life is a marathon, and I’m doing my best to fight the good fight, run the race with excellence until the road comes to an end, and keep the faith.